cute donut3021 6 months ago
i cnatt chattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt i cant chat in game toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 
cute donut3021 7 months ago
I didn't mean my bio I'm not being lazy like the last time I did it maybe I am going to take your money okay goodbye
cute donut3021 7 months ago
updating my bioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
hi im donut im kind in nice but not wen pepole are not nice to me
fave youtuber
leahashe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------age... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hate ketchup -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my fave friends catmat76iscool moonnwolf aprl pie------------------------------------------------- love to watch slime videos leaLeash ---------------------------------------------------------------------------taken or not not And I'm happy that I will never will be having a boyfriend - I'm tired of my life being bored but I just ignore it I choose to know but I tried to but it's not working everyday struggle and have a life with fun and Amazing Spider-Man but one thing I don't like to spell hair to always hate but if you're just like me you have to secure even though you won't to argue are you are like me if you argue its just going to make a big bunch of holes and make a chaos so I suggest the best way is to work
fave youtuber
leahashe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------age... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hate ketchup -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my fave friends catmat76iscool moonnwolf aprl pie------------------------------------------------- love to watch slime videos leaLeash ---------------------------------------------------------------------------taken or not not And I'm happy that I will never will be having a boyfriend - I'm tired of my life being bored but I just ignore it I choose to know but I tried to but it's not working everyday struggle and have a life with fun and Amazing Spider-Man but one thing I don't like to spell hair to always hate but if you're just like me you have to secure even though you won't to argue are you are like me if you argue its just going to make a big bunch of holes and make a chaos so I suggest the best way is to work