keilahni is the boss 3 months ago
zander r u cheating on luna cuz fly roof called u "bae" and someone said that u said u loved them ure dating luna!!!
0Azmasterking0 5 months ago
If I'm not on today I'm sorry to everybody else i've just been busy recently with going to college
kikisoba2014 6 months ago
Zander why can't you come back you didn't come on your birthday and mine you promise that you was going to come on on my birthday and yours
Hello my name is Zander
My birthday is September 27th 2005
My favorite food is everything because I'm not picky
My favorite games is well I really can't choose I have too many but if I had to choose plants versus zombies angry birds and those are my main favorites
My Roblox account is zanderqwq2005
My birthday is September 27th 2005
My favorite food is everything because I'm not picky
My favorite games is well I really can't choose I have too many but if I had to choose plants versus zombies angry birds and those are my main favorites
My Roblox account is zanderqwq2005