DinosaurGurl a year ago
if u have an crush on me put
if we are besties put
if r my friend put
if u want me to diethe rest will bedownbelow
DinosaurGurl a year ago
put a
if u have an crush on me put a
if u want me to die put a
if we are friends put a
if u wanna be friends
DinosaurGurl a year ago
I'ma get off my computer the get back on later i'll be back when I'm done selling cookies for girls scouts
I want dicks( in my mouth and cum* flying into my throat cuz im a weirdo and a hoe* that loves sucking* dicks* and then biting them off I licked almost EVERYONE's dick* in kogama I also sucked* kikisaba's pussy" she claims she has a vagina* but she has a dick* like me THE END :)