.Emultivers. a year ago
bye my friend don't forget to me will you back and i know you are losted account and i don't know will you back please friend me will back :( 
UAE ContryBall shared a video2 years ago
UAE ContryBall shared a video2 years ago
This Profile Does Not Allow Russians To this Profile Pls Send Kogama a modification that russians need to be deleted from kogama not just players only the keyboard this profile is only for english or arabic also delete the comments that are russian and spainish all players should appreciate is proflie right now here are some rules 1 do not bully or be toxic 2 u should really dont piss of me 3 dont ruin my games 4 dont scam for free gold 5 dont fight 6 join kogama discord if u want 7 u can be my friend and do not do anything 8 be a nice person 9 u have to not post cringe and ugly videos in this profile 10 this is an profile that dont show people their bad habits 11 this is the end of the rules of this profile also 1 more thing dont copy my games or videos that i post 13 ill unfriend u if u copy things or the rules dont show bad words or be rude also forgot one thing do not ever block my user also here are the things the boiz; maetus komagian gamer india ball devoloper of boiz; uae contry ball benlux peta mistrz i need you all to read this or if you not its ok or you dont join discord cause i really joined discord i entered my username here is the username *uaecontryball* i joined then there was alot of things there also message but how can i talk it doesent work right now pls tell me in the comments if you know tell me right now *wow my bio has a lot of sentence thats how xd cya bye gonna give you up never gonna let you down cya among us is everywhere be carfull kills the heck out of here in my leg and body or dont ask me for free gold or elite im a devoloper of the boiz List Is On The way Aphmau The Youtuber