3 years ago
I finished the flag tell me if you like it if you don't like it I can improve it
-The Creator of This clan-Account is -LeRiX- .
-LeRiX- Got Banned on 3 juan 2022 because someone called - Leader - scammed -LeRiX- by gave him cheated payment system elites until -LeRiX- got ban a cause of that.
- To revenge, report The Leader s two accounts and attack on him and write insulting comments for is posts :
1) .
2) .
-to join this clan you must sent a friend request for this account, then follow the first steps, and write this post on your kogama profile: report this guy: +.
-Also To join This clan completely, you must Write This: L.C in the Last of Your KoGaMa Nick Name, for Example: Steve L.C ..etc
-LeRiX- Got Banned on 3 juan 2022 because someone called - Leader - scammed -LeRiX- by gave him cheated payment system elites until -LeRiX- got ban a cause of that.
- To revenge, report The Leader s two accounts and attack on him and write insulting comments for is posts :
1) .
2) .
-to join this clan you must sent a friend request for this account, then follow the first steps, and write this post on your kogama profile: report this guy: +.
-Also To join This clan completely, you must Write This: L.C in the Last of Your KoGaMa Nick Name, for Example: Steve L.C ..etc