-LeRiX- clan to revenge Leader

Furious Force
Bag of gold
Barrel of Gold
Cart of Gold
Vault of Gold
Tower of Gold
Mountain of Gold
Joined KoGaMa on June 5, 2022
Panda23_Gamer 2 years ago

fuckk tokeeto

The war STARTED!!

Sorrydead 3 years ago


sl4de 3 years ago

we wil revenge on tokeeto and discord kogam,

I finished the flag tell me if you like it if you don't like it I can improve it www.kogama.com/build/23505325/project/10196755/

Internationale 3 years ago


lerix can i make a flag for the clan


_-AlexPro-_ 3 years ago



-The Creator of This clan-Account is -LeRiX- .
-LeRiX- Got Banned on 3 juan 2022 because someone called - Leader - scammed -LeRiX- by gave him cheated payment system elites until -LeRiX- got ban a cause of that.
- To revenge, report The Leader s two accounts and attack on him and write insulting comments for is posts :
1) https://www.kogama.com/profile/16396313/ .
2) https://www.kogama.com/profile/17557919/ .
-to join this clan you must sent a friend request for this account, then follow the first steps, and write this post on your kogama profile: report this guy: https://www.kogama.com/profile/17557919/ +.https://www.kogama.com/profile/16396313/
-Also To join This clan completely, you must Write This: L.C in the Last of Your KoGaMa Nick Name, for Example: Steve L.C ..etc