Cotton Flower 9 months ago
Sorry if I'm not on that much, miss y'all though hope you're all doing great!
Cotton Flower shared a videoa year ago
**I love you Kenai, I love you forever. you're like my favorite thing in the world, I've never wanted something so bad, I've never loved anyone so much. I feel so happy and safe around you, you're the light in my dark days, you are the dream I thought would never come true, I'm so happy that I met you, no matter how many times we leave each other, we always find our ways back. I'm sorry if I don't tell you I love you enough, but I do, with everything inside me and all the love I have.**
Gender: Female
Birthday: Feb 16
Besties: Noah(Noah Woah), Mason, Andrew, Yoshi, Boogie woogie, Kai, Tami, Tiko, Hiko, Jq, Dom, Jason, Sin, Kat, Lollipop, Hiro, Pix, Kj, other Noah, Ruppu, Berri, Vee, Tiler, Jax, Shay, Zeo, Tiko, Zi zi, Ciel, Ba ba, Sammy, Mico, Arlo, Gremlin, Viv, Kota, Ace, Isa, Lulu, Esme, Kitty, other Kai, JQ, other Kai, Brownie, Alex, Zey, Bird, Carlos, Eik, Cavi, other Alex, Lola, K0cha, Keera, Judas, Trucly, Oka(ma), Bri, Nazo, Butter ball, Ali, Cookie, Milo, Neo, Vinn, Seba, Tazer, and Danny.
Age: Ask
Real name: Meiyin
Race: Filipino x Mexican = Wedita
A thing about me is, you can hurt me but I will ALWAYS love and care about you.
And that's why I hate my kind heart♡.
Gender: Female
Birthday: Feb 16
Besties: Noah(Noah Woah), Mason, Andrew, Yoshi, Boogie woogie, Kai, Tami, Tiko, Hiko, Jq, Dom, Jason, Sin, Kat, Lollipop, Hiro, Pix, Kj, other Noah, Ruppu, Berri, Vee, Tiler, Jax, Shay, Zeo, Tiko, Zi zi, Ciel, Ba ba, Sammy, Mico, Arlo, Gremlin, Viv, Kota, Ace, Isa, Lulu, Esme, Kitty, other Kai, JQ, other Kai, Brownie, Alex, Zey, Bird, Carlos, Eik, Cavi, other Alex, Lola, K0cha, Keera, Judas, Trucly, Oka(ma), Bri, Nazo, Butter ball, Ali, Cookie, Milo, Neo, Vinn, Seba, Tazer, and Danny.
Age: Ask
Real name: Meiyin
Race: Filipino x Mexican = Wedita
A thing about me is, you can hurt me but I will ALWAYS love and care about you.
And that's why I hate my kind heart♡.