- 亗 爪卂尺Ꮆ卂尺丨ㄒ卂 亗 - a month ago
update on life (again coz why not): very very unclear on how i might return to this game, also i might not be able to finish the last titanic remastered game
- 亗 爪卂尺Ꮆ卂尺丨ㄒ卂 亗 - a month ago
update on life: i might return someday, either out to complete my unfinished games, but this goes by 00.01percent so it's unclear yet..
- 亗 爪卂尺Ꮆ卂尺丨ㄒ卂 亗 - 5 months ago
Quitting temporarily? or permanently? Well then, see ya guys, soon maybe in years or when roblox gets boring. Bye.
- 亗 爪卂尺Ꮆ卂尺丨ㄒ卂 亗 - a year ago
ANNOUNCEMENT: So I won't be making any game especially game updates because my computer isn't working right and it's taking too long to load.
- 亗 爪卂尺Ꮆ卂尺丨ㄒ卂 亗 - a year ago
IT'S OFFICIAL: I am now finally quitting this game, maybe someday I could return.. (Add me on Roblox if you want, my acc is ImmaHuman7)
since now I exist in socials, and roblox, imma list em here..
FB link: ht tps: //w ww .f acebook .com/prof ile. php? id=6155 19500930 00
Insta: http s://w ww .instag ram. c om/margi e_bla nkenhe im/
Rblx acc: https ://www .ro blox. com/users /17660 04421/pr ofile
FB link: ht tps: //w ww .f acebook .com/prof ile. php? id=6155 19500930 00
Insta: http s://w ww .instag ram. c om/margi e_bla nkenhe im/
Rblx acc: https ://www .ro blox. com/users /17660 04421/pr ofile