my sister's name is X-Sarah-X shes nice go friend her lol
My BRothErS name is CoRy
mY hUsBaNdS name is Tobi Uchiha亗
my sons name is ɴʏᴍᴏ
my kogama brother is DeshaunToLit
My kogama siiister is ღRileyღ
my name is SKI not .--.
it may look like that in games but my name isn't that lol
my sister's name is X-Sarah-X shes nice go friend her lol
My BRothErS name is CoRy
mY hUsBaNdS name is Tobi Uchiha亗
my sons name is ɴʏᴍᴏ
my kogama brother is DeshaunToLit
My kogama siiister is ღRileyღ
my name is SKI not .--.
it may look like that in games but my name isn't that lol