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Furious Force
Joined KoGaMa on March 23, 2021


Oh Hi! ^^ my name is Clara or Ara
You can call me Ara
My real name is Clara E. T. S.
I`m __ years old
I`m a female/girl
I accept everyone <3
My Bestie : Dream, ._Rooster, Crazyfire120, Xx-MilkyOreo-xX
My pet name : Angela[Big sister cat/Missing], Pussy[Big brother cat/Alive], Tiktok[Middle sister cat/Alive], Mama cat/Pus[Mom cat/Alive], Mud[Step Little sister cat/Dead], Yellow[Step little brother cat/Dead], Boy[Father cat/Alive?], Cutie[Mom cat/Alive], Togu[Dog/Dead], Snowy[Dog/Dead], Mambo[Dog/Alive], Cahca[Dog/Alive].
Don`t laugh about their name or else...
My Country: Indonesia
My Language is: Indonesia, English and a little bit of Spanish...
Born: December 31 2011
My hobby is... Play Kogama, Make Finger hand puppet, Make Imagen friend
favorite emoji: ,) :0 >:0 <3 :/ UvU UwU ;-; ;-;;;; ;w; =-= T-T ^^
Chat command kogama: <color=red>text</color> <i>text</i> <b>text</b> <quad=size=100 <size=100>this is only on project game</size>
That's all i know...
Favorite color: Blue, black, purple, cyan, red, lime, green, white, pink, and more...
My favorite game : Little nightmare, KoGaMa, Minecraft, Gacha life/Club, Blockman go,
My favorite youtuber : Rico, Aphmau and more
My favorite food: Fish, milk, water, Chiken.
Family: 1 Dad, 1 mom, 2 big brother, 3 Cousin, 1 Granma, 1 Granpa[Die] and more
personality: Clumsy sometime, Mad sometime, sad sometime, happy sometime, hungry sometime, Sleepy sometime, tired sometime, sick sometime, Shock sometime and more
Thanks for reading bye! ^^