-.Rose shimmer.- shared a video4 years ago
-.Rose shimmer.- shared a video4 years ago
-.Rose shimmer.- shared a video4 years ago
-.Rose shimmer.- shared a video4 years ago
_.-Catico_Ash-._ 4 years ago
Hey.. I missed you I snuck on my sister's phone just to see you and someone else
-.Rose shimmer.- shared a video4 years ago
My bio
Hey guys my name is Rose shimmer but people on here already have the name Rose so just call me Snowie or Snow,I have two annoying brothers my older brother is bisexual, he has a boyfriend who is really nice and my younger brother has a girlfriend who is also really nice.
. sexuality: Lesbian (Im sick of boys trying to use me)
.Who I Care About: Nun-ya business UwU
.crush: ?
wifu: ?
Girlfriend/boyfriend: None of your bitchy. business
Zodiac sign: Leo
.Birthstone: Peridot
.Birthday: August 18th
. swimming
. playing with my dog
. playing and chatting with my friends
. playing GTA and Rainbow 6 Siege
. hanging out with my gang ( yes i have a gang =v=) (one of the members is Ava)
favorite food: cookies, ice-cream
.Favorite Colour: Red,Black And Blue/turquoise
close friends:
.Queen Oreo
. anood20000
.Kitty Moon
.Xx-Wolfie The Bad Girl-xX
.Xx-Rhiley Afton-xX
. -Baddie vibes-
.Xxx ArmyKillerxxX
. Xx.-.firefox.-.xX
. -XxDemonKoGaMaAraXx-
.felix gaming
.sage gaming
. susyousus
.ゆりちゃん_Yuri C
. ._XxAvaXPowerfulXUltimaXx_.
Age:i will tell you in private chat
favorite song:
. Rumors
. Bad liar
the specture
. outrunning karma
. rewrite the stars
That's all for now bye guy's ^w^ ❤
P.s If you want to or need to ever tell anyone something or need advice im always here if anyone needs something UwU bye~
BTW: Iv'e lost my emotions because iv'e had some family members die recently so please don't piss me off cause im not in the mood to deal with it bye.
Hey guys my name is Rose shimmer but people on here already have the name Rose so just call me Snowie or Snow,I have two annoying brothers my older brother is bisexual, he has a boyfriend who is really nice and my younger brother has a girlfriend who is also really nice.
. sexuality: Lesbian (Im sick of boys trying to use me)
.Who I Care About: Nun-ya business UwU
.crush: ?
wifu: ?
Girlfriend/boyfriend: None of your bitchy. business
Zodiac sign: Leo
.Birthstone: Peridot
.Birthday: August 18th
. swimming
. playing with my dog
. playing and chatting with my friends
. playing GTA and Rainbow 6 Siege
. hanging out with my gang ( yes i have a gang =v=) (one of the members is Ava)
favorite food: cookies, ice-cream
.Favorite Colour: Red,Black And Blue/turquoise
close friends:
.Queen Oreo
. anood20000
.Kitty Moon
.Xx-Wolfie The Bad Girl-xX
.Xx-Rhiley Afton-xX
. -Baddie vibes-
.Xxx ArmyKillerxxX
. Xx.-.firefox.-.xX
. -XxDemonKoGaMaAraXx-
.felix gaming
.sage gaming
. susyousus
.ゆりちゃん_Yuri C
. ._XxAvaXPowerfulXUltimaXx_.
Age:i will tell you in private chat
favorite song:
. Rumors
. Bad liar
the specture
. outrunning karma
. rewrite the stars
That's all for now bye guy's ^w^ ❤
P.s If you want to or need to ever tell anyone something or need advice im always here if anyone needs something UwU bye~
BTW: Iv'e lost my emotions because iv'e had some family members die recently so please don't piss me off cause im not in the mood to deal with it bye.