-_ Bad_Vibes_forever_- 4 years ago
hey yall peepz can yall friend meh in mi second acc -_ bad_vibes _-
-..- S A T U R N -..- changed username to -_ Bad_Vibes_forever_-4 years ago
hallo strangers today mi will be doin mi bio,so
fav food: boba sushie and chicken ( mi hate beef)
mi like boi clothes ( no judge >:^)
mi age: i is have a tweeny life
mi kogama sister: numb the pain
closes friends: minha ze demon tomboy, danni boy , pro bruh sanesss, isabella. and numb the pain
numba of mi haters: 233
wut mi no like: karens,barbies,pink (hell nah pink)
bf:nope gf: nope
stuff mi like: boi clothes skateboreds and singinggg
mi fav coulers: black,grey and le white
fav singers: melina martin & conan gray
mi clothes style: dark boish & sometimes gurlish
name: saturn (in le game)
2 acc: .- -_ bad_vibes _-
gender: an gurl (mi is an tomboi U - U)
bai now~
wha u here mi luvs O - o *breaths heavily*
O - o GeT oUT oF dIS dAmN pROfiLe
>:^ bishesss bwye u meanies
fav food: boba sushie and chicken ( mi hate beef)
mi like boi clothes ( no judge >:^)
mi age: i is have a tweeny life
mi kogama sister: numb the pain
closes friends: minha ze demon tomboy, danni boy , pro bruh sanesss, isabella. and numb the pain
numba of mi haters: 233
wut mi no like: karens,barbies,pink (hell nah pink)
bf:nope gf: nope
stuff mi like: boi clothes skateboreds and singinggg
mi fav coulers: black,grey and le white
fav singers: melina martin & conan gray
mi clothes style: dark boish & sometimes gurlish
name: saturn (in le game)
2 acc: .- -_ bad_vibes _-
gender: an gurl (mi is an tomboi U - U)
bai now~
wha u here mi luvs O - o *breaths heavily*
O - o GeT oUT oF dIS dAmN pROfiLe
>:^ bishesss bwye u meanies