The Best of the best fox kid 4 years ago
good night my freinds a f u c k you yes yes yes f u c k you too hahhahahaha ***********warning do not say this in real life just a game
i miss you nicki and cardi b 3 shared a video4 years ago
i miss you nicki and cardi b 3 shared a video4 years ago
i miss you nicki and cardi b 3 4 years ago
me when i almost die: AHHHHHH *points middle finger at self and runs a million miles and mom slaps me and shooting stars meme plays and i go into space*
ANYWAY I FINALLY FIGURED THIS OUT. tho i will tell yall about me so i like icecream i like cake,candy and how i look like i have brown eyes, white skin not like white skin ,._. and i have brown hair it gets wavey sometimes but its straite tho
i like to watch anime i like to play kogama u-u, minecraft and roblox,ducks i dont like ducks that much tho -.-
i like t watch LDshadowlady and cookieswirl.c and joel he's usally LDshadowladys boyfriend i like bubblewrap i have depression =c my fav memes are crab in soap trndsttr i think and forget meme hip sunset lover and last but not least is the kid that crys like a siren cause he bumped in glass UvU and the sals meme alots of memes i like my fav veggies are brocoli carrots peeds and green beans my fav colors are pink,gld,purple,white and blue also dark dark teal with a blue look too and i like red and black more about me is i a weird pervered person but not to dirty
dont ever HURT MY FRIENDS -n-
you die i will cut you with a axe
anyways also call me x-CRAB IN SOAP-dun dun dun DUN SAIL-WHO TOUCHIN THE CHILD-x
me and tomboy are'nt loving eachother
----------------i have a gf--------------- UwU ------------meh a pro---------
i like to watch anime i like to play kogama u-u, minecraft and roblox,ducks i dont like ducks that much tho -.-
i like t watch LDshadowlady and cookieswirl.c and joel he's usally LDshadowladys boyfriend i like bubblewrap i have depression =c my fav memes are crab in soap trndsttr i think and forget meme hip sunset lover and last but not least is the kid that crys like a siren cause he bumped in glass UvU and the sals meme alots of memes i like my fav veggies are brocoli carrots peeds and green beans my fav colors are pink,gld,purple,white and blue also dark dark teal with a blue look too and i like red and black more about me is i a weird pervered person but not to dirty
dont ever HURT MY FRIENDS -n-
you die i will cut you with a axe
anyways also call me x-CRAB IN SOAP-dun dun dun DUN SAIL-WHO TOUCHIN THE CHILD-x
me and tomboy are'nt loving eachother
----------------i have a gf--------------- UwU ------------meh a pro---------