moon the fox gamr 3 years ago
guys is me eclipse my crome book broke so ima starting a new acc as XxMONODYxX
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 3 years ago
Who here has watched Ju-on The Grudge cuz I've seen it I called a jump scare two I said oh this is not so bad Boom jump scare
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 4 years ago
Our PS4 needed to update but we didn't so it deleted all my Skyrim mods 
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 4 years ago
For all u undertale fans (I've never heard of it till I played kogama) in bluey the episode Mr. Monkeyjocks pause when bingo walks in u will see a sans
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 4 years ago
Soooo I have to do school to day with a dad like mine u may do school on a holiday or weekend
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 4 years ago
Alright who thinks public schools r doing a great job at teaching kids things...WELL UR WRONG! unfriend me now if u think I'm wrong 
Eclipse the wolf Gamer 4 years ago