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Furious Force
Joined KoGaMa on September 15, 2020


Also i made new OC bios i dont have any avatars for them yet because im still broke AF i literally just have 2 gold- ;-;)
Hello there mate! pleasure to meet whoever you are! um so my names fire my full name is Fox Willows tho -.- and um Im in a cult and hmm lets see just um scroll down i guess ._.
Friends: (nymo), (-3- moshi_doshi -3-), (.Fred Bear.), (The,shaun,man), (Hi my name is Michael.), (Spring_-Trap), (legomariosans), (xx_uh_oh_corona_xx), (sariel), (-.HaruDaFurr.-), (the overlord), (Jackson2316), (PuppyGaveUp) and finally (Kenai-MoonDrop)
OC: 5-year-old Fire

Age: 5

Personality: Quiet, Curious, Listens, Obedient,

Likes: Certain people she grows attached to, chocolate, drawing, playing games,

Dislikes: People who are mean or rude, most adults, humans,

Fears: Dark, most adults, animals

weaknesses: Would do anything for chocolate, Trusts people to easily, cant tell anyone things which would help an enemy or creature or whatever,

Stuff about OC: Cant talk due to a sickness loves drawing and would listen to people and do anything which makes that a weakness, she also gets attached to certain people she takes a liking to shes also still exploring her powers
OC: Child Fire

Age: 10

Personality: Observant, Happy most of the time,

Likes: Tea, drawing, sweets, some people, murdering, blood, knifes, Playing pretend, hide n stab, Pretending to host shows

Dislikes: (to be more specific i meant SUS furrys someone pointed this out ;v;) furrys, rude people, cringe, love,

Fears: dark, angels, heaven, souls, the dead

Weaknesses: holy stuff, souls, the dead

Stuff: She still has a bit of the sickness left but most of its cured so sometimes she cant talk sometimes she can She doesnt smile often but when she does it means shes either planning something, thinking about something or shes watching someone suffer
OC: Present Fire

Age: 19

Personality: Calm, murderous, creative, observant

Likes: Tea, Blood, murder, music, weapons, Mac and Cheese, a few people, fire, chaos, destruction, kids (sometimes), Someone (they know who they are-)

Dislikes: Rude people, (again i mean sus- ;v;) furrys, cringe, humans,

Fears: Dark, labs, doctors, needles-

Weaknesses: Holy water, Infected souls

Stuff: This is present fire who is in Shauns cult shes not serious sometimes but sometimes when shes serious she doesnt tolerate any silliness and will mostly ignore it when she stares at people it means shes reading them trying to get info on them
OC: Ruth (Fires Real Little sister)

Age: 17

Personality: Serious, Calm, Curious, Quiet (most of the time), Confident

Likes: Coffee, Chocolate, books, Her Job, Photography, Art, Humans, blood, (. . .)

Dislikes: Being near murders (out of fear), Happy people, Loud sounds

Fears: Sanity going to low (. . .), Souls, Fire(. . .),

Weaknesses: Souls, (surprisingly) Most human food, Holy stuff

Stuff: This is Fires Sis she lives mostly in Roblox But sometimes will come to Kogama shes still in school She works as a detective Shes afraid of her sanity going down because what she saw happened to Fire.
Ethan (fires twin brother):

age: 19

Personality: Calm, Murderous, creative, Observant, Curious

Likes: Coffee, music, weapons, food, fire, chaos, destruction, kids, Jackson (his bf- lol)

Dislikes: Rude people, (again i mean sus- ;v;) furrys, cringe

Fears: needles

Weaknesses: Holy water, Infected souls

Stuff: Fires twin brother claims hes 3 mins older tho- he has a bf named Jackson- somehow always misses things (Such as people dying- like bruh how the heck you miss that-)
Charels (fires little brother) :

age: 16

Personality: Murderous, playful, nice, helpful, caring (sometimes- ;v;)

Likes: boxes, hell, tormenting fire

Dislikes: fire, (i tried to trade him away ;v; he holds a grudge-) needles, heat, humans

Fears: needles

Weaknesses: Holy water, Infected souls

Stuff: Fires younger brother who hates her (kinda) because she tried to trade him to someone and he hold grudges- picks fights with fire daily stays in hell most of the time-
Also my birthday's on July:09 :>