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Hey! I'm awoi.
Lead developer for the KoGaMa Buddy browser extension for Firefox.
Look at my cute fiancée! She's really precious!
Another time, another place;
But still together, our heart's embrace.
To the end of time, to the edge of space;
Wherever you are, I'll give full chase.
background: 10422310, filter: dark;
banner: "GENSOKYO'S FASTEST!", #8448C6;
Lead developer for the KoGaMa Buddy browser extension for Firefox.
Look at my cute fiancée! She's really precious!
Another time, another place;
But still together, our heart's embrace.
To the end of time, to the edge of space;
Wherever you are, I'll give full chase.
background: 10422310, filter: dark;
banner: "GENSOKYO'S FASTEST!", #8448C6;