-ღ Masa KM ღ- got a new avatar Dark Diablo Boy3 years ago
-ღ Masa KM ღ- got a new avatar [No Name]3 years ago
-ღ Masa KM ღ- shared a video4 years ago
-ღ Masa KM ღ- shared a video4 years ago
Hi! My name is masa KM on kogama and welcome to my profie! my real name is Masaru,and I played kogama for half year, and my favorite color is pastel blue and my favorite food is sushi I speak english,japanese,spanish (a little bit),and chinese. I am mostly japanese and I came to America when I was 1st grade and I am 10-13 and I have two sisters,my game is easy parkour 30 levels (blue Parkour),2 player tron,and Blue VS Red catch the flag, and if you were wondering yes, I WAS elite but it is over. but if you want to be friend with me then thanks, and if you ALREADY my friend and want to build with me, those two I will chose randomly from today 10/15/2020,and my best friend in school also play kogama he's name in kogama is hexagone, in kogama my 2 best friend is rapter2917 make sure to play their game as well! good luck, and bye!
masa KM
masa KM