Assassin1975 a year ago
I be bored all day every day so please someone add me on ig i need someone to talk to other then three people ;-;
Assassin1975 a year ago
I think ima play this game until it no longer exist the people i known and soon will get to know are probably the only people i can truly express myself to
Assassin1975 4 years ago
hey everyone i am leaving this game for good i will not be back i am going to give my account to my friend sean so it wont be me on good bye everyone.
Assassin1975 4 years ago
I wanna die no one cares about me they don't care how I feel at all.(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)
Real Name Lakota, Favorite color Red, Favorite people my friends Relationship: only for me to know and for others to find out,Just kidding i have a girlfriend. , types of people i enjoy to be around--People who can keep a conversation going. The type of person i am Introvert- just really shy around new people. Most of my friends call me Coda feel free to call me whatever you wish i don't really care. I'm a Taurus♉ I open up only to some people but normally stay to myself you can add me on IG if you want my name is coda_here_today I like when people talk to me manly because i get bored fas.
Hello to everyone who is reading this. I wanted to inform everyone on where i have been for the past year and couple of months, I have been in foster care for quite some time now. I started playing this game when i was ten and my uncle took me out of foster care. i stayed with him for almost two and a half years. When I started middle school he put me back into foster care. for my first few placements i was fine but soon it got worse I got into a few fights threatened a couple of people stayed in a hospital for a month then was put into a PRTF witch is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility i stayed there for a year and two months and now i'm here at my new group home it's not bad but it could be better at least i have wifi now. But that basically it.
Hello to everyone who is reading this. I wanted to inform everyone on where i have been for the past year and couple of months, I have been in foster care for quite some time now. I started playing this game when i was ten and my uncle took me out of foster care. i stayed with him for almost two and a half years. When I started middle school he put me back into foster care. for my first few placements i was fine but soon it got worse I got into a few fights threatened a couple of people stayed in a hospital for a month then was put into a PRTF witch is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility i stayed there for a year and two months and now i'm here at my new group home it's not bad but it could be better at least i have wifi now. But that basically it.