umw shared a video4 years ago
- A l i n a - earned a new badge Follow Instagram kogama_official4 years ago
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Hello my name is Alina.
Please dont hate if im not so good at building.
I am Friendly and like to play with my best Friends.
I Accept every Friend request.
Im from Germany but i speak English too.
Fav Games: Roblox, KoGaMa, School of Dragons, Brawl stars
Roblox name: Alina_7624
KoGaMa: - A L I N A -
School of Dragons code: FLVPGJ
Brawl stars code: P9VYQUQU
-Night Fury-, NotLeonie12, Mrs_Riddle, 1-Magix-Merlin
Thank you for playing my new game.
I Hope you have a great day
and enjoy my new Game for more Updates!
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Hello my name is Alina.
Please dont hate if im not so good at building.
I am Friendly and like to play with my best Friends.
I Accept every Friend request.
Im from Germany but i speak English too.
Fav Games: Roblox, KoGaMa, School of Dragons, Brawl stars
Roblox name: Alina_7624
KoGaMa: - A L I N A -
School of Dragons code: FLVPGJ
Brawl stars code: P9VYQUQU
-Night Fury-, NotLeonie12, Mrs_Riddle, 1-Magix-Merlin
Thank you for playing my new game.
I Hope you have a great day
and enjoy my new Game for more Updates!