Red .sonic.Hedgog59,127XP129,6412835Joined KoGaMa on March 28, 2020Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge AdventureBox4 years agoAdventureBox Write a comment...Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge KOGA Monster4 years agoKOGA Monster Write a comment...Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge Fishy Joe4 years agoFishy Joe Write a comment...Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge Monkey Badge4 years agoMonkey Badge Write a comment...X.Memorylilbother.X changed username to Red .sonic.Hedgog4 years ago Write a comment...fhjsvnjdcv tgikuytybgf changed username to X.Memorylilbother.X5 years ago Write a comment...-_-cool_silver-_- 5 years agoWhat sup tell zamyen i say hi Write a comment...gonfreez 5 years ago Write a comment...Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge Android5 years agoAndroid Write a comment...Red .sonic.Hedgog earned a new badge Michal5 years agoMichal Write a comment...12BioHi im kadien marshall and i have lost of ideas for next summer i iwill wirte thi in 1 monthGamesAvatarsNumber of Avatars: 6Marketplace