_ AlfiQ _

Level Icon
Furious Force
Bag of gold
Barrel of Gold
Cart of Gold
Vault of Gold
Tower of Gold
Mountain of Gold
April Fools 2019
Rainbow Revel 2019
Cake Appreciation 2019
Masquerade 2019
Friendship Celebration 2019
Lunar New Year 2019
Frost Festival 2018
Days of Plenty
Midnights Hallow 2018
2 Million Plays
Easter Member
1 Million Plays
Game Of The Week
Fishy Joe
Monkey Badge
Joined KoGaMa on August 12, 2016
--x mr_lan x-- a year ago

kurła kiedyś to było

Ampex 4 years ago


_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge April Fools 20196 years ago
_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge Rainbow Revel 20196 years ago
_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge Cake Appreciation 20196 years ago
_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge Masquerade 20196 years ago
_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge Friendship Celebration 20196 years ago
_ AlfiQ _ 6 years ago

www.kogama.com/profile/18721728/ - użytkownik podszywający się pod lo_RD

_ AlfiQ _ earned a new badge Lunar New Year 20196 years ago
michu9773 shared a video6 years ago


Piszesz coś na moim profilu=ostrzeżenie, oraz prośba o usunięcie. Nie stosowanie się do tego=wywalenie ze znaj. → Jeśli odejdę - proszę nie pisać R.I.P. itp. na profilu, bo lubie czysto na profilu. Macie pisać mi RIP pod postem pożegnalnym. ←←←←←←←←←← WAŻNE!!!

Joined KoGaMa on: 16.05.2015 → I first one played KoGaMa (only 1 month on Tourist then I got bored of KoGaMa cuz I couldn't build and I didn't know that you can create an account, but I remember KoGaMa, on 12.08.2016 and I came back on account Domowy123 :D)

Information for starters: I don't buy anymore gold and XP! If I buy, any friend who asks to buy a model I'll buy him a model (5 first friends) (applies from May 1, 2017)

║【 ☕ Info about me: ☕ 】
║■Kogama username: _ AlfiQ _
║(sometime: Domowy123)
║■Name: KoGaMa nie pozwala
║■Surname: Też nie pozwala :(
║■Country: Poland
║■Second account: Domowy123
║■Language: Polish (99,5%), English (90%), Deutsch (13%), Francais (0,6%)
║■My Birthday: secret
║■City: nie pozwala
║【My account on: 】

║【KoGaMa EU】
║【KoGaMa Friends】
║【KoGaMa Brasil】
║■ -
║■https://goo. gl/kteU7A
║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 121
║-http://www.kogama.com/news/496/ (-_Exzone_-)

║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 130
║-http://www.kogama.com/news/537/ (-x-The King-x-)

║1 Mln Plays:

║1st time (2 in one time :D):
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/733199/ (-_Exzone_-)
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4226017/ (-x-The King-x-)

║2nd time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4958918/ (--x mr_lan x--)

║3rd (4th also, because I earned 1 mln plays 2 times for this map) time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4121030/ (lo_RD)

║5th time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4036600/ (-CaptainDoDo-)

║6th time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4121030/ (lo_RD, again xd)
║7th time: idk lol xd
║8th time: idk

║2 Mln Plays:

║1st time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/3747322/ (Kewin2004000)

║2nd time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/733199/ (.ExZoNe.)

║3rd time:
║-http://www.kogama.com/games/play/4958918/ (--x mr_lan x--)

║4th time:
║- CreateYrHouse (lo_RD)

║5th time:

║I've got 33 level ;)
║Max gold: 8 795 ;D
║483 883 XP miałem gdy dostałem week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 29
║to miałem 525 100 XP (+41 217 XP przy dostaniu weeka)

║≈649 530 XP miałem gdy dostałem drugi week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 32
║to miałem 1 014 530 XP (+≈365 000 XP przy dostaniu drugiego weeka

║Ile wylosowałem w spinach [*] spiny (ogólnie) 2012-10.05.2017:
║około 20x 500 XP
║5x 3500 XP
║4x 15000 XP
║Razem: ≈87 500 XP

║Lvl bez boostów, weeków i spinów: 31 (około 785 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów i spinów, ale z weekami: 31 (około 972 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów (liczone wg. daty dostania weeków): 31 (około 1 060 000 XP)
║(przystosowane do 1 600 000 XP)
║level 1 (0 XP) ✔️
║level 2 (400 XP) ✔️ (Turtle Badge ✔️)
║level 3 (1200 XP) ✔️
║level 4 (2400 XP) ✔️
║level 5 (4010 XP) ✔️
║level 6 (6030 XP) ✔️ (Cat Badge ✔️)
║level 7 (9060 XP) ✔️
║level 8 (12 600 XP) ✔️
║level 9 (16 660 XP) ✔️
║level 10 (21 240 XP) ✔️
║level 11 (26 340 XP) ✔️ (Wolf Badge ✔️)
║level 12 (37 460 XP) ✔️
║level 13 (49 600 XP) ✔️
║level 14 (62 760 XP) ✔️
║level 15 (76 950 XP) ✔️
║level 16 (92 170 XP) ✔️ (Spider Badge ✔️)
║level 17 (108 420 XP) ✔️
║level 18 (125 700 XP) ✔️
║level 19 (144 020 XP) ✔️
║level 20 (163 380 XP) ✔️
║level 21 (183 780 XP) ✔️ (Unicorn Badge ✔️)
║level 22 (218 010 XP) ✔️
║level 23 (254 230 XP) ✔️
║level 24 (293 400 XP) ✔️
║level 25 (334 680 XP) ✔️
║level 26 (378 430 XP) ✔️ (Ghost Badge ✔️)
║level 27 (424 710 XP) ✔️
║level 28 (473 580 XP) ✔️
║level 29 (525 100 XP) ✔️
║level 30 (579 330 XP) ✔️
║level 31 (636 330 XP) ✔️ (Wild Boar badge ✔️)
║level 32 (1 014 530 XP) ✔️
║level 33 (1 411 330 XP) ✔️
║level 34 (1 827 130 XP) ✘
║level 35 (2 262 330 XP) ✘
║level 36 (2 717 330 XP) ✘ (Eagle Badge ✘)
║level 37 (3 192 530 XP) ✘
║level 38 (3 688 330 XP) ✘
║level 39 (4 205 130 XP) ✘
║level 40 (4 743 330 XP) ✘
║level 41 (5 303 330 XP) ✘ (Furious Force Badge ✘)
║level 42 (5 885 530 XP) ✘
║level 43 (6 490 330 XP) ✘
║level 44 (7 118 130 XP) ✘
║level 45 (7 769 330 XP) ✘ ♛
║Game alone on map:

║Play on browser:
║?webgl=1 (webplayer=1)


║No ads: ?da=1
Rekord ilość map na 1 str: 5 map :D (moich XD, razem z mapami innych to 12 XD)
Rekord na wormax io: snag. gy/UjLzKo
Rekord na 2 Player Tron 1.9 z RJC: 40:29, dnia 20.09.2017 około 22:17 czasu lokalnego
ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ