Piszesz coś na moim profilu=ostrzeżenie, oraz prośba o usunięcie. Nie stosowanie się do tego=wywalenie ze znaj. → Jeśli odejdę - proszę nie pisać R.I.P. itp. na profilu, bo lubie czysto na profilu. Macie pisać mi RIP pod postem pożegnalnym. ←←←←←←←←←← WAŻNE!!!
Joined KoGaMa on: 16.05.2015 → I first one played KoGaMa (only 1 month on Tourist then I got bored of KoGaMa cuz I couldn't build and I didn't know that you can create an account, but I remember KoGaMa, on 12.08.2016 and I came back on account Domowy123 :D)
Information for starters: I don't buy anymore gold and XP! If I buy, any friend who asks to buy a model I'll buy him a model (5 first friends) (applies from May 1, 2017)
║【 ☕ Info about me: ☕ 】
║■Kogama username: _ AlfiQ _
║(sometime: Domowy123)
║■Name: KoGaMa nie pozwala
║■Surname: Też nie pozwala :(
║■Country: Poland
║■Second account: Domowy123
║■Language: Polish (99,5%), English (90%), Deutsch (13%), Francais (0,6%)
║■My Birthday: secret
║■City: nie pozwala
║【My account on: 】
║【KoGaMa EU】
║【KoGaMa Friends】
║【KoGaMa Brasil】
║■ -
║■https://goo. gl/kteU7A
║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 121
║- (-_Exzone_-)
║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 130
║- (-x-The King-x-)
║1 Mln Plays:
║1st time (2 in one time :D):
║- (-_Exzone_-)
║- (-x-The King-x-)
║2nd time:
║- (--x mr_lan x--)
║3rd (4th also, because I earned 1 mln plays 2 times for this map) time:
║- (lo_RD)
║5th time:
║- (-CaptainDoDo-)
║6th time:
║- (lo_RD, again xd)
║7th time: idk lol xd
║8th time: idk
║2 Mln Plays:
║1st time:
║- (Kewin2004000)
║2nd time:
║- (.ExZoNe.)
║3rd time:
║- (--x mr_lan x--)
║4th time:
║- CreateYrHouse (lo_RD)
║5th time:
║I've got 33 level ;)
║Max gold: 8 795 ;D
║483 883 XP miałem gdy dostałem week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 29
║to miałem 525 100 XP (+41 217 XP przy dostaniu weeka)
║≈649 530 XP miałem gdy dostałem drugi week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 32
║to miałem 1 014 530 XP (+≈365 000 XP przy dostaniu drugiego weeka
║Ile wylosowałem w spinach [*] spiny (ogólnie) 2012-10.05.2017:
║około 20x 500 XP
║5x 3500 XP
║4x 15000 XP
║Razem: ≈87 500 XP
║Lvl bez boostów, weeków i spinów: 31 (około 785 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów i spinów, ale z weekami: 31 (około 972 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów (liczone wg. daty dostania weeków): 31 (około 1 060 000 XP)
║(przystosowane do 1 600 000 XP)
║level 1 (0 XP) ✔️
║level 2 (400 XP) ✔️ (Turtle Badge ✔️)
║level 3 (1200 XP) ✔️
║level 4 (2400 XP) ✔️
║level 5 (4010 XP) ✔️
║level 6 (6030 XP) ✔️ (Cat Badge ✔️)
║level 7 (9060 XP) ✔️
║level 8 (12 600 XP) ✔️
║level 9 (16 660 XP) ✔️
║level 10 (21 240 XP) ✔️
║level 11 (26 340 XP) ✔️ (Wolf Badge ✔️)
║level 12 (37 460 XP) ✔️
║level 13 (49 600 XP) ✔️
║level 14 (62 760 XP) ✔️
║level 15 (76 950 XP) ✔️
║level 16 (92 170 XP) ✔️ (Spider Badge ✔️)
║level 17 (108 420 XP) ✔️
║level 18 (125 700 XP) ✔️
║level 19 (144 020 XP) ✔️
║level 20 (163 380 XP) ✔️
║level 21 (183 780 XP) ✔️ (Unicorn Badge ✔️)
║level 22 (218 010 XP) ✔️
║level 23 (254 230 XP) ✔️
║level 24 (293 400 XP) ✔️
║level 25 (334 680 XP) ✔️
║level 26 (378 430 XP) ✔️ (Ghost Badge ✔️)
║level 27 (424 710 XP) ✔️
║level 28 (473 580 XP) ✔️
║level 29 (525 100 XP) ✔️
║level 30 (579 330 XP) ✔️
║level 31 (636 330 XP) ✔️ (Wild Boar badge ✔️)
║level 32 (1 014 530 XP) ✔️
║level 33 (1 411 330 XP) ✔️
║level 34 (1 827 130 XP) ✘
║level 35 (2 262 330 XP) ✘
║level 36 (2 717 330 XP) ✘ (Eagle Badge ✘)
║level 37 (3 192 530 XP) ✘
║level 38 (3 688 330 XP) ✘
║level 39 (4 205 130 XP) ✘
║level 40 (4 743 330 XP) ✘
║level 41 (5 303 330 XP) ✘ (Furious Force Badge ✘)
║level 42 (5 885 530 XP) ✘
║level 43 (6 490 330 XP) ✘
║level 44 (7 118 130 XP) ✘
║level 45 (7 769 330 XP) ✘ ♛
║Game alone on map:
║Play on browser:
║?webgl=1 (webplayer=1)
║No ads: ?da=1
Rekord ilość map na 1 str: 5 map :D (moich XD, razem z mapami innych to 12 XD)
Rekord na wormax io: snag. gy/UjLzKo
Rekord na 2 Player Tron 1.9 z RJC: 40:29, dnia 20.09.2017 około 22:17 czasu lokalnego
ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ
Joined KoGaMa on: 16.05.2015 → I first one played KoGaMa (only 1 month on Tourist then I got bored of KoGaMa cuz I couldn't build and I didn't know that you can create an account, but I remember KoGaMa, on 12.08.2016 and I came back on account Domowy123 :D)
Information for starters: I don't buy anymore gold and XP! If I buy, any friend who asks to buy a model I'll buy him a model (5 first friends) (applies from May 1, 2017)
║【 ☕ Info about me: ☕ 】
║■Kogama username: _ AlfiQ _
║(sometime: Domowy123)
║■Name: KoGaMa nie pozwala
║■Surname: Też nie pozwala :(
║■Country: Poland
║■Second account: Domowy123
║■Language: Polish (99,5%), English (90%), Deutsch (13%), Francais (0,6%)
║■My Birthday: secret
║■City: nie pozwala
║【My account on: 】
║【KoGaMa EU】
║【KoGaMa Friends】
║【KoGaMa Brasil】
║■ -
║■https://goo. gl/kteU7A
║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 121
║- (-_Exzone_-)
║Game Of The Week: Weekly Highlights 130
║- (-x-The King-x-)
║1 Mln Plays:
║1st time (2 in one time :D):
║- (-_Exzone_-)
║- (-x-The King-x-)
║2nd time:
║- (--x mr_lan x--)
║3rd (4th also, because I earned 1 mln plays 2 times for this map) time:
║- (lo_RD)
║5th time:
║- (-CaptainDoDo-)
║6th time:
║- (lo_RD, again xd)
║7th time: idk lol xd
║8th time: idk
║2 Mln Plays:
║1st time:
║- (Kewin2004000)
║2nd time:
║- (.ExZoNe.)
║3rd time:
║- (--x mr_lan x--)
║4th time:
║- CreateYrHouse (lo_RD)
║5th time:
║I've got 33 level ;)
║Max gold: 8 795 ;D
║483 883 XP miałem gdy dostałem week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 29
║to miałem 525 100 XP (+41 217 XP przy dostaniu weeka)
║≈649 530 XP miałem gdy dostałem drugi week, więc jak lvl up'owałem na 32
║to miałem 1 014 530 XP (+≈365 000 XP przy dostaniu drugiego weeka
║Ile wylosowałem w spinach [*] spiny (ogólnie) 2012-10.05.2017:
║około 20x 500 XP
║5x 3500 XP
║4x 15000 XP
║Razem: ≈87 500 XP
║Lvl bez boostów, weeków i spinów: 31 (około 785 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów i spinów, ale z weekami: 31 (około 972 500 XP)
║Lvl bez boostów (liczone wg. daty dostania weeków): 31 (około 1 060 000 XP)
║(przystosowane do 1 600 000 XP)
║level 1 (0 XP) ✔️
║level 2 (400 XP) ✔️ (Turtle Badge ✔️)
║level 3 (1200 XP) ✔️
║level 4 (2400 XP) ✔️
║level 5 (4010 XP) ✔️
║level 6 (6030 XP) ✔️ (Cat Badge ✔️)
║level 7 (9060 XP) ✔️
║level 8 (12 600 XP) ✔️
║level 9 (16 660 XP) ✔️
║level 10 (21 240 XP) ✔️
║level 11 (26 340 XP) ✔️ (Wolf Badge ✔️)
║level 12 (37 460 XP) ✔️
║level 13 (49 600 XP) ✔️
║level 14 (62 760 XP) ✔️
║level 15 (76 950 XP) ✔️
║level 16 (92 170 XP) ✔️ (Spider Badge ✔️)
║level 17 (108 420 XP) ✔️
║level 18 (125 700 XP) ✔️
║level 19 (144 020 XP) ✔️
║level 20 (163 380 XP) ✔️
║level 21 (183 780 XP) ✔️ (Unicorn Badge ✔️)
║level 22 (218 010 XP) ✔️
║level 23 (254 230 XP) ✔️
║level 24 (293 400 XP) ✔️
║level 25 (334 680 XP) ✔️
║level 26 (378 430 XP) ✔️ (Ghost Badge ✔️)
║level 27 (424 710 XP) ✔️
║level 28 (473 580 XP) ✔️
║level 29 (525 100 XP) ✔️
║level 30 (579 330 XP) ✔️
║level 31 (636 330 XP) ✔️ (Wild Boar badge ✔️)
║level 32 (1 014 530 XP) ✔️
║level 33 (1 411 330 XP) ✔️
║level 34 (1 827 130 XP) ✘
║level 35 (2 262 330 XP) ✘
║level 36 (2 717 330 XP) ✘ (Eagle Badge ✘)
║level 37 (3 192 530 XP) ✘
║level 38 (3 688 330 XP) ✘
║level 39 (4 205 130 XP) ✘
║level 40 (4 743 330 XP) ✘
║level 41 (5 303 330 XP) ✘ (Furious Force Badge ✘)
║level 42 (5 885 530 XP) ✘
║level 43 (6 490 330 XP) ✘
║level 44 (7 118 130 XP) ✘
║level 45 (7 769 330 XP) ✘ ♛
║Game alone on map:
║Play on browser:
║?webgl=1 (webplayer=1)
║No ads: ?da=1
Rekord ilość map na 1 str: 5 map :D (moich XD, razem z mapami innych to 12 XD)
Rekord na wormax io: snag. gy/UjLzKo
Rekord na 2 Player Tron 1.9 z RJC: 40:29, dnia 20.09.2017 około 22:17 czasu lokalnego
ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ