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Hujambo kila mtu! Habari gani?
Hello my fellow friends! It is I, Queen of Sheba, aka, BathaSheba.
Favorite color: black and yellow XD (Red, Black, Green)
Movie: Rush Hour
Bffs: DjhasSwag, CuteKat, AwesomeKid, Wassabian, cannonade, V.I.P Anonymous, -_Kitty_Cutie_-, Fire God 8, xxxbruh_itz_katerizuxxx, blue cre panda 1, samshulhuda, kitten kitty
if you see that i am 300 gold and above that means im saving it so dont ask me for any gold
Whenever I edit my avatar, I put them in the market, but nobody really buys them, but, eh. -_-
Good day!
Hello my fellow friends! It is I, Queen of Sheba, aka, BathaSheba.
Favorite color: black and yellow XD (Red, Black, Green)
Movie: Rush Hour
Bffs: DjhasSwag, CuteKat, AwesomeKid, Wassabian, cannonade, V.I.P Anonymous, -_Kitty_Cutie_-, Fire God 8, xxxbruh_itz_katerizuxxx, blue cre panda 1, samshulhuda, kitten kitty
if you see that i am 300 gold and above that means im saving it so dont ask me for any gold
Whenever I edit my avatar, I put them in the market, but nobody really buys them, but, eh. -_-
Good day!