2 Sold
Haylikaylicya3 months ago
And one last thing i wanna say, the Monster Gift, for once it's not made in China but made by a dinosaur ! Yes a dino ! You have seen the word ! A D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R (who is extremly talented ✨)
Haylikaylicya3 months ago
And also, originally it wasn't a Monster Gift UnU but Panda Gift ✨ (important information actually because he was cute in panda xD) but even without it's 4 panda legs, it's incridible ✨ (especially the scissor-shaped arm [says the one who propsed the idea] in any case the result is just superb ❤✨)
Haylikaylicya3 months ago
But he has big teeth (like the wolf in the Little Red Riding Hood) i wouldn't like him to eat me ;-; (after I'm a rotten chouquette so no problem, he will get indigestion if he dares to eat me xD)
Haylikaylicya3 months ago
The avatar is just too funny and it's a little beauty (also a marveil) this gift UwU✨. He's really too swag ✨ (mama i'm in love with a criminal... oh no... i mean a Monster Gift xD)
_Mayer_3 months ago
prnt. sc/H2yYAXYUp-Xg