The Survival ...
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The Survival ...

Made by S team : Monkey dit Luffy Soikry Abdallah Don't forgot , it's inspired to the FNaF series made by Scott Cawthon , all right reserved. Do not copy my character or my game !

April 4, 2018
4ihbMKVsWc6 years ago
What circumcision takes away
The foreskin is at the heart of male sexuality. Circumcision almost always results in a diminution of sexual sensitivity; largely because removing the foreskin cuts away the most nerve-rich part of the peni.s (up to 80% of the peni.s’s nerve endings reside in the foreskin) [1]. The following is amputated with circumcision:

-The Taylor “ridged band” the primary erogenous zone of the male body. This unique, highly specialized and exquisitely sensitive structure is equipped with soft ridges designed by nature to stimulate the female’s inner labia and during intercours.e
-The frenulum, the highly erogenous V-shaped tethering structure on the underside of the head of the peni.s
-20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which can feel slight variations in pressure and stretching, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture
-Thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called Meissner’s corpuscles, also found in fingertips.
:PikaPika :PikaPika :PikaPika
IlyaGameNL7 years ago
:Feelsbadman :grumpycatb1 :Feelsbadman :grumpycatb1 :ExtraLifeGreen5678 :ExtraLifec352 :Derpfacee8 :intensifies :Troll3000 :MRf933 :BunnyEmote51 :1upc3 :Snoopyperlerbeadpattem :unicorn :PikaPika :ComputerFire :Snake1998234 :StarWarsYoda5b :MOCHIMOCHI6ec9 :cavestory4e :Burger :PileofPoo :ANGERa0 :LaughingEyesCloseddb2 :BunnyEmote51
Old Legend7 years ago
if you vote canterville just add me at friends and than i will invite you to that project! :D
lame1727377 years ago
it meenes hello
lame1727377 years ago
wud up
deni718439747 years ago
:GOLDADMIN10384 :PikaPika :PikaPika :PikaPika :PikaPika :unicorn :Snoopyperlerbeadpattem :Snake1998234 :StarWarsYoda5b :Panda :pandaishc9 :Magnet :ComputerFire :Burger :cavestory4e :Hearte2 :Balrogfb :GoldenApple1857a8 :StarWarsFighterda :Smirk87dddc :1up2a :ANGERa0 :BunnyEmote51 :LaughingEyesCloseddb2 :Lovefb8d23 :LOL225e :Sleepye43fb0 :TongueWinkingc11498 :Charmander8221 :Pikachu719e :MasterBall :MRf933 :Sob4067 :Blink3c :crate :redcharacter :redpanda28 :redpanda28 :heroshrug :heroyeah :Icecream :intensifies :BlehFrog :rice :heroflip :heroflip2 :grumpycatb1 :herocheer :heroshout :AngryLaughing0125 :Zombieef :Nyan2 :Feelsbadman :Smileeadb :Smileeadb :Thumbsup :Goldea :Cool012c
cicici lover7 years ago
oceac apon a time a girl was so cute :herocheershe want a boyfreind but nobody likes hernshe was so sad :heroshrug one day a boy saw her then fell in love with her she did to finally the got marryed :TylerByNando8e :herocheer :Heart2a5y :Heart2a5y :Heart2a5y
cicici lover7 years ago
load too slow :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69 :Angry69wait let meh tell a story.
cicici lover7 years ago
so ??????????? i dont know

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