Place cubes in playmode!

Today we have added:

A whole new kind of KoGaMa tool.

We call it the CubeGun. 

Although it shoot's with cubes, it's not really a weapon.
It's is a creative tool that allows you to place the cubes in play-mode.

  • LMB. - Fires a cube.
  • Hold and release LMB. - Removes and collect cubes.

The CubeGun can be found in the in-game shop under Pickups.

You can also change the material on the CubeGun Pickup while in Edit-mode.
RMB click on the CubeGun Pickup and choose 'Settings'.

New Web update.
  • Profile bar. The user profile access and options has been move to the green profile bar.
  • Coupon Codes.
  • Get Free Gold. Invite your friends to KoGaMa and earn 25 Gold.

Last but not least - a Coupon Code!!

CubeGun 5 days introductory offer.. Get the CubeGun and 'CubeGun Hero' badge for free.. 
Coupon code: macuba200

Enjoy :)