Golden Sword Online 2: Wrath of Phyrus
Ɠolɗen Sworɗ ONLINE 2: Wrath of Phyrus QUEST HELP / POMOC W ZADANIACH: Quest 1 Get into Central Tower (Map), or ask Goldfort Royal Guard for help. Wejdź do Central Tower (Mapa), albo zapytaj Strażnika Goldfortu o pomoc. Quest 2 Go to Silvershire Palace (Golden Plains Map) Idź do pałacu w Silvershire (Mapa Złotych Pól) Quest 3 Go to teleport between Silvershire Palace and weapon shop. Read some advices. In next room, press a pressure place to go further. Idź do teleportu między pałacem a sklepem z bronią. Poczytaj trochę rad. Naciśnij płytkę w metalowym pomieszczeniu, aby przejść dalej. Quest 4 Go to Silver Mine with Sword (Golden Plains Map). Dig to find a 4-star teleport. Idż do Silver Mine z mieczem (Mapa Złotych Pól). Dokop się do teleportu na 4 gwiazdkę. Quest 5 Go to Jenkins' Farm (Golden Plains Map). Go to 5-star teleport. Idź na Jenkins' Farm (Mapa Złotych Pól). Idź do 5-gwiazdkowego teleportu. Quest 6 Go to Silver Mine with Sword (Golden Plains Map). Dig to find a 6-star teleport. In next room, dig to find a statue. Choose option 2, that teleports you to reward. Idź do Silver Mine z mieczem (Mapa Złotych Pól). Dokop się do 6-gwiazdkowego teleportu. W następnym pomieszczeniu, wykop i znajdź statuę. Wybierz opcję 2, która przenosi cię do nagrody. Quest 7 Go to Left Tower (Map). Find a passage in stairs and there teleport. Go to Director's Room. Idź do Left Tower (Mapa). Znajdź przejście w schodach i tam teleport. Idź do Director's Room. Quest 8 Go to terrains near Wolf Cave (Golden Plains Map). Press "E" in one of the most nearby holes to the Cave. Idź na tereny koło Wolf Cave (Mapa Złotych Pól). Naciśniej "E" w jednej z najbliższych Jaskini dziurze. Quest 9 Go to Wolf Cave's highest point (Golden Plains Map). Press "E" staying on a blood. Idź do najwyższego punktu na Wolf Cave (Mapa Złotych Pól). Naciśnij "E" stojąc na krwi. Quest 10 Go to Goldfort Prison. Survive Robert Myles' attacks (Stay on his head and jump in one place). Next, go to teleport. Idź do Goldfort Prison. Przetrwaj ataki Roberta Mylesa (Stój mu na głowie i skacz w miejscu). Następnie, idż do teleportu. Quest 11 Go to Raven Hill (Golden Plains Map). Activate the cutscene. Next, go to 11-star teleport. Idź na Raven Hill (Mapa Złotych Pól). Aktywuj cutscenkę. Następnie, idź do 11-gwiazdkowego teleportu. Quest 12 [BOSS] Go to 12-star teleport in Reaper's Harvest with Center Gun. Shoot to all 6 targets on walls, to enter one target with a book below, that enters another target. Shoot to 3 books targets to kill the boss. Idź do 12-gwiazdkowego teleportu w Reaper's Harvest z Center Gunem (Mapa Złotych Pól). Postrzel 6 celów na ścianach, aby otworzyć jeden cel z książką poniżej, który aktywuje inny cel z książką. Postrzel 3 cele z książką aby zabić bossa. Quest 13 Go to Port (Map). Sail to Jungle of Whispers. Idź do Portu (Mapa). Popłyń do Jungle of Whispers. Patch 1.1 News: - Added Crafting option! Mix 2 items and create cheap mixtures, weapons and others! - Refeshed parkour design! Jump into the next checkpoins with GSO'2 climat on your back! - Added Area Heroic Levels and Quest Marks on a map to help doing quests! - Dungeon is now more profitable! 500 Coins for unlocking a new reward in Wolf Cave instance. - Two unnamed locations are now named (Golden Circle's Vale, Edge of Kingdom). - Changed Arena's entry requirements to 1 Star. - Changed costs and placement of weapons. - Changed "Back to menu" cost. - Changed basics of training against oculuses. - Closed Event Shop. - Added Tavern Caretaker in Goldfort. - Reduced brutality of bloody scenes. - Dropped deafeted Azrael's weapon. - Propably putted a vampire to prison. - Changed some dialogues. - Repaired missions and some mistakes. - Photographed a new game miniature. Patch 1.1 News: - New menu and Achievements! Test your GSO2 skill and play in challenging style! - Helpful maps! Now your gameplay and quest doing can be much easier! - Vampires (Red) now enters menu, but they can't play a full game. Vampire Arena added to minigames. - Repaired some terrain and mechanics. Patch 1.2 News: - You can teleport yourself thanks to King Kuba's statue from Goldfort to Silvershire and from Silvershire to Goldfort! - Green-Eyed Rare Spawn Oculuses! Explore the world and kill'em all! - Now most of items have colorful aura before you buy it! - Now to kill Azrael you need to bring your own weapon, but it's not the problem, his spells combined with huge, colorful flame are more epic than before! - Elite, quest and miniboss oculuses now have red eyes, and normal ones - white eyes. Patch 1.3 News: - Now, you can read something about backstory and Golden Sword Online before playing a game! - More visual updates for new players! It won't be so much problem to find a quest now! - Some of locations and quests are nerfed! Now it's easier to do it! - Arena mode is closed and now your team is blue, to not skip any experience for total newbies.